Very Reverend Dragan Jordanov

Father Dragan

Very Reverend Dragan was born in 1982 in Veles, Republic of Macedonia. He knew he wanted to become a priest at the age of 13. He studied theology in Skopje and was ordained Deacon in 2010 in Chicago, Illinois. Four years later (2014) he was ordained into priesthood in Crown Point, Indiana. In 2015, he was assigned as a Reverend to our Church, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. In 2018 he was promoted to the title of Very Reverend. Popadija Rose and Father Dragan married in 2005 and have three children: Lena, Maksim, and Eva.

Contact Info:
Very Reverend Dragan Jordanov
Cell: (773) 849-3470
Church: (586) 323-4190
Fax: (586) 323-4649